eBooks on the Kingdom of God

Mysteries of God, The (eBook)

The Incarnation & Atonement His Kingdom & Righteousness The Kingdom of God is a mystery. Many have misunderstood this mystery and consequently have also misrepresented the Kingdom of God in the earth. If we do not understand the mystery of the Incarnation, we will not understand the mystery of the Atonement. And, if we do not understand the mystery of the Atonement, we will not understand the mystery of His Righteousness. And so, if we do not understand the mystery

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His Kingdom & His Righteousness (eBook)

“The Book of the Law”, found in the Book of Joshua, is an Old Testament type and shadow which relates to the New Testament passage in the Gospels – the “Sermon on the Mount”, and the New Covenant “Law of Christ” – regarding the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

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Church, Culture, and the Ekklesia (eBook)

In His prayer to the Father in John 17, Jesus said that both He and His people (the Ekklesia) are in the world, but not of the world.  Throughout church history, it has been, and still is, very difficult for the Church to understand this paradox, and has been even more difficult for the Church to embody its spiritual realities. The Church is to represent a heavenly King and a heavenly Kingdom. Herein lies the challenge: How do we effectively

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Kingdom Households (eBook)

A Governing Principle: Bearing One Another’s Burdens & The Law of Christ In this article I point out that using the Hebrew nation as a prototype, God established the concept of tribes – extended family households – as a model for His kingdom people. I am calling this model “Kingdom Households”, and proposing that this is still a model for God’s kingdom people, the Church, which is His Body. (The Ecclesia which Jesus is building). These are the specific proposals

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Who Is This King of Glory? (eBook)

The title of this message is a question found in Psalm 24: “Who is this King of Glory?” In Matthew’s gospel we find Jesus asking a question of His disciples: “Who do people say that I am?” And a little later in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is coming into the city of Jerusalem, and the crowd of people is asking: “Who is this?” In these passages, the people called Jesus “the Christ, the Son of the living God”, “the Son of

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Seeing the Kingdom Through the Cross (eBook)

To understand the kingdom of God, we must understand the mystery of Christ, who is the King of that kingdom. If we seek the kingdom of God and do not enter into the mystery of Christ, we have not entered into the kingdom, and will misrepresent the kingdom of heaven in the world. By and large, the Church in the Western nations has failed to see and enter the kingdom of God, and therefore is misrepresenting the King and His

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The Way of God & the Way of Humanity (eBook)

The Difference Between Theology & Politics:   The Kingdom of the Lord and His Christ & the kingdoms of this World What I have to offer in this essay is at variance with the current conventional “Evangelical” perspectives and political activities. (In fact, it equally flies in the face of the disposition of most “Progressive Christians”, as well as most non-Christians.) And that is this: The current conventional “Evangelical” perspective of the Kingdom of God is askew, and the seeming

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IN the World, But Not OF the World (eBook)

A Personal Investigation into the Morality of Voting “IN”, but “not OF”. These are the two contexts in which a disciple of Christ lives – IN the world; but not OF the world. (John 17:13-19) For more than two thousand years the Church has struggled to understand what this actually means; and has also struggled to discern how to actually live faithfully in these contexts – the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the World. We don’t have voting

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How Does God Govern Fallen Humanity? (eBook)

What political philosophy and what form of government may be best suited for the governance of ALL humanity – fallen and redeemed? More specifically: Is there a political philosophy which is most suited to the biblical worldview? Is there a particular form of government which inherently contains the elements of freedom of conscience and choice “in the likeness of” God’s way of governing humanity? Is there a practical politic for both those who love God and submit to His kingship,

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Concerning Gathering (eBook)

This eBook is a follow-up to my series entitled “A New & Living Way: An Investigation into New Covenant Worship in Spirit & Truth”.  In the context of the principles examined in that series, this writing approaches the subject of “Gathering” – NOT on how we gather, or where and when we gather, but WHY we gather. The goal is to give some insight into the nature of our collective life in the New Covenant. The “collective life” I’m referring

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