In other articles, I have written at length about what could be called “THE REVELATION – RELATIONSHIP – REFLECTION CONTINUUM”. The concept is that the life of one who “has received the Spirit of Christ and therefore belongs to Christ” (Romans 8:9-10) can be viewed as the pursuit of Revelation of Christ, which grows into Relationship with Christ, with a view to Reflection of Christ.
This article will deal with “The Fellowship with the Spirit”, being presented here as integrally related to Relationship with Christ. The nature of the relating or fellowshipping is receiving REVELATION by the Spirit of Christ regarding the Mystery of Christ Himself, as well as His present work in our lives and ministries. Our RELATIONSHIP with Christ is comprised of our fellowship with the Spirit of Christ – our spiritual life, our devotional life – wherein we increasingly see Christ revealed, and thereby grow in our Relationship with Christ, as we relate to the revealed Christ.