A Restoration Digital Materials Library – AT CHRIST’S TABLE


A labor of love for Christ and His Body …


Paul Rapoza & Helps Communications

We are grateful to Paul Rapoza for offering his server, making our ACTpublications accessible in a variety of formats at: https://usr.helps7.com/AtChristsTable/

A little about Paul Rapoza:

Paul was born and raised in Hilo Hawaii. He became a follower of Jesus in 1976. He married Bridget in 1979. They have 5 kids, and at present, 12 grandkids (3 adopted). Paul worked as a carpenter/builder since 1971. He has also worked in Christian communications (radio, newspaper, websites) for years as well. Paul and Bridget have lived in Oregon over 25 years (Portland, Mitchell, Prineville, Madras, and Medford). They now live in Saint Helens, Oregon. 

A little about Helps Communications: https://www.helps7.com/index.html

Helps Communications prime activity is producing information web pages and sites (sometimes hosting them) and producing and publishing mostly “freely available” eBooks. The eBook effort at present, is focused primarily on out of print books written in the 1800’s about or by Missionaries to the kingdom of Hawaii.

Helps Communications also hosts A Restoration Digital Materials Library 
This project is dedicated to publishing writings which are concerned with the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, featuring collections from a number of writers.