eBooks by Bill Furioso

A Call for God-centered Art (eBook)

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Magnus Gautestad and his guest William David Furioso from At Christ’s Table delve into the intersection of beauty, faith, and music, emphasizing the importance of creating music that reflects the attributes of God and His redemptive love. They discuss the concept of a “new song”...


A New & Living Way (eBook)

A Collection of Articles Investigating New Covenant Worship in Spirit & Truth This collection of articles is the fruit of more than 40 years of intensive study, prayer, research, and reflection, as well as, a varied experience in church life, ministry, and meetings. In passionate pursuit of that “New &...


Abide in the Vine (eBook)

By considering the context in John’s gospel where Jesus told His disciples to “abide in Me”, we can better understand what it means to Abide in The Vine. We can get insight into WHY Jesus exhorted His disciples in this way shortly before His arrest, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. There...


Apostles’ Teaching, The (eBook)

Acts 2:42 tells us that following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the Christ Followers of the primitive church “continually devoted” themselves to “the apostles’ teaching and fellowship”. In this article we consider the content, the nature, and the goal of apostolic teaching. What did...


Art & True Spirituality (eBook)

Art as an Essential Form of Worship Including some Cautionary Thoughts for Christian Artists  Through his works of art, the Christian artist can “magnify the Lord” by “telling of His glory”, often without words, through reflecting on the attributes of God, which are “the radiance of His glory”. This is...


Bride of Christ, The (eBook)

Paul the apostle explained that what he had written to the Ephesians about husbands and wives spiritually applied to Christ and the Church.  Paul was comparing the marriage relationship to the relationship between Christ and the Church – the husband being Christ, and the Church being the wife. Starting with...


Brokenness (eBook)

Introduction We human beings naturally perceive weakness and insecurity to be a “problem”. I believe that we can see from Scripture that, in Christ, weakness and insecurity can actually be a blessing. It is an opportunity to access the life and strength of Jesus Christ. When we offer Him our...


Call to God-Centered Art, A (eBook)

A Foundation for a Biblical Aesthetic Art as the perception and communication of the attributes of God The attributes of God, revealed in His creation, in His written word, and in His Living Word, Jesus Christ, are the conceptual forms by which we perceive and communicate our expressions and reflections...


Called & Changed by Christ (eBook)

A Study of Conversion in the Lives of Peter & Paul This book is a study of Conversion. The teaching addresses what it means to be “called” – the nature of the call, who are called, answering the call – as well as a look at the life-changing experiences with...


Christ is Prerequisite for Church (eBook)

with a Group Discussion Guide & additional Resources for Organic Church Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church. We cannot discern the Body until we first discern the Head. We cannot understand the mystery of the Church until we understand the mystery of Christ. Jesus is building His...


Christ-centered Discipleship & Equipping Ministries (eBook)

Before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples….” Since it takes the authority of Christ to make a disciple of Christ, authentic Equipping Ministries will, by nature of the case, share the life of Christ –...


Church, Culture, and the Ekklesia (eBook)

In His prayer to the Father in John 17, Jesus said that both He and His people (the Ekklesia) are in the world, but not of the world.  Throughout church history, it has been, and still is, very difficult for the Church to understand this paradox, and has been even...


Coming to Faith in God (eBook)

For the believer, the subject of faith contains several aspects which could discussed at length. However, here I am examining the subject of faith and the non-believer. Unless one is purposely preparing for a debate, most people do not spend much time studying something contrary to what they currently believe....


Concerning Gathering (eBook)

This eBook is a follow-up to my series entitled “A New & Living Way: An Investigation into New Covenant Worship in Spirit & Truth”.  In the context of the principles examined in that series, this writing approaches the subject of “Gathering” – NOT on how we gather, or where and...


Cross & The Powers of Darkness, The (eBook)

The Church has a calling that could be referred to as “The Even Greater Commission”: “… that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”  Ephesians 3:10 Jesus laid down His life for a Bride...


Drawing of the Holy Spirit, The (eBook)

The subject matter of this message concerns the influence of the Holy Spirit on the human soul during the conversion-regeneration process. By this term, “conversion-regeneration process”, I mean specifically the process of coming to “repentance” and “faith” in Christ, which would be followed by regeneration. The process being discussed in...


Eating & Drinking of Jesus (eBook)

This message is about eating and drinking – eating and drinking with Adam and Eve, eating and drinking with Moses, as well as eating and drinking with Jesus, and His Disciples – giving insights into the meaning of Jesus’ cryptic saying, “Eat of My body, and drink of My blood”....


Evil, Some Thoughts On (eBook)

Why is there evil?  Does God cause evil? Does He allow evil? Why would God allow evil? What is evil? I have found that the unveiling of truths contained in Scripture regarding evil and the spiritual forces of evil, have actually served to increase my personal perception of God and...


Facing the Future (eBook)

The key words in the title give the subject matter. There is a fact which we all must FACE; and that is: the FUTURE is coming. Whether the prognosis is good or bad – whether we want it to come or not – the FUTURE is coming – we must...


Forsaking All to Follow Jesus (eBook)

What Does a God-Centered Life Look Like? In this message, we look at what “forsaking” means, what “all” means, and what “following Jesus” means. The impetus for writing this article came from observing the spirit of Materialism in our current generation – even among God’s people. The article identifies this...


Foundation of the Apostles & Prophets, The (eBook)

In this article, I am focusing on the adjectives, “apostolic” and “prophetic”, rather than the nouns, “apostle” and “prophet”. My goal is a more Christ-centered perspective and understanding of the phrase, “the foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 2:20-22), as well as, what it means to “lay” that Foundation....


Foundation Stones (eBook)

Joined to the Cornerstone Knowing & Experiencing Christ in, and by, and through Sound Doctrine Throughout the Old Testament, we see stones placed as memorials of experiential encounters with the Lord. In the New Covenant also there are foundational “stones”, as it were – foundational experiences of Christ. We need to...


Glory of God, Some Thoughts on (eBook)

Sometimes, we have extraordinary experiences of that which is true, good, and beautiful. At these times, God is letting His glory issue from Himself through an out-raying of His attributes. The response of the human spirit to this manifestation of the glory of God is often tears.


God-centered Life, The (eBook)

“God-Centeredness” is a quintessential issue. All Christians, as well as all churches and ministries come down on one side of the line or the other regarding Man-Centeredness or God-Centeredness. There is a very clear line of demarcation. Our perspective has implications for virtually every activity of both our personal and corporate...


Gospel of the Lion & the Lamb, The (eBook)

“The Gospel of the Lion and The Lamb” is the title I have chosen for a teaching on the Book of Revelation. The “Lion and Lamb” theme (found in Revelation 5:5-6) is the essence of the Book of Revelation. This teaching is NOT a line-by-line commentary but is rather an...


Headship, Leadership & the Body (eBook)

Another Look at Consensus in the Church In certain movements within the Church, it is currently in vogue to criticize church leaders for usurping the Headship of Christ. I agree that, generally speaking, this is a valid criticism. But the more accurate statement would be that human beings, church leaders...


Heroic (eBook)

Introduction The Lord’s final word at the end of the Old Testament spoke of a “Period of Restoration” before the Day of the Lord in which there would be a “turning of the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers”. PART 1...


His Name Will be Called

The focus of this message is the names that Isaiah used to describe the coming King. And the key to understanding these names is the historical context of the people he is speaking to. Basically, he was telling these people that this coming King was the only One Who had...


How Does God Govern Fallen Humanity? (eBook)

What political philosophy and what form of government may be best suited for the governance of ALL humanity – fallen and redeemed? More specifically: Is there a political philosophy which is most suited to the biblical worldview? Is there a particular form of government which inherently contains the elements of...


IN the World, But Not OF the World (eBook)

A Personal Investigation into the Morality of Voting “IN”, but “not OF”. These are the two contexts in which a disciple of Christ lives – IN the world; but not OF the world. (John 17:13-19) For more than two thousand years the Church has struggled to understand what this actually...


Israel of God, The (eBook)

In order to have reasonable communication and a constructive, beneficial discussion on a matter, we need to define the terms which are being employed in the discussion. So, if we are to discuss Paul’s perspectives on “The Israel of God”, we need to be clear on Paul’s definitions of the...


Kingdom Households (eBook)

A Governing Principle: Bearing One Another’s Burdens & The Law of Christ In this article I point out that using the Hebrew nation as a prototype, God established the concept of tribes – extended family households – as a model for His kingdom people. I am calling this model “Kingdom...


Meaning of Baptism, The (eBook)

The purpose of this teaching is to present the essential meanings of Baptism, and specifically the quintessential meaning of Baptism in light of the New Covenant. We will very briefly survey the progression of the concept of Baptism in the Hebrew Bible, the Gospels, and the Epistles – again with...


Meaning of Repentance, The (eBook)

A study on the meaning of “Repentance”: Essentially a change of perception and understanding followed by a godly sorrow, a change of behavior and lifestyle, and a return to dependence on God.


Mysteries of God, The (eBook)

The Incarnation & Atonement His Kingdom & Righteousness The Kingdom of God is a mystery. Many have misunderstood, and consequently, have also misrepresented the Kingdom of God in the earth. If we do not understand the mystery of the Incarnation, we will not understand the mystery of the Atonement. And,...


Power of His Resurrection, The (eBook)

The apostle, Paul, wrote of “the power of His resurrection”. (Philippians 3:10) What is the “power” of His resurrection? And what is the unique power of “His” resurrection? In this message we will investigate the resurrection of Christ, and more purposefully, the nature of its “power”.


Quo Vadis (eBook)

God is always moving forward in His kingdom plans and purposes. He never moves backward. And for those who love Him, He never stops moving in our lives for His glory. But to continue moving on with God “from glory to glory” requires our living “from faith to faith”. It...


Reading the New Testament (eBook)

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to testify of Christ. With His inspiration of the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit’s intention was to reveal the glory of Christ. About a decade ago, the Holy Spirit asked me this question: “What is it that you think you see in the New...


Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit (eBook)

In this teaching, we will consider the question: When Do You Receive the Holy Spirit?  Specifically, we will be investigating whether believers receive the Holy Spirit WHEN they believe – making receiving synonymous with believing; or whether believers receive the Holy Spirit AFTER they believe – making receiving subsequent to...


Remnant Will Return, A (eBook)

“Christendom” is a counterfeit Christianity in the form of a Constantinian Civil Religion. It is a religion which has been taken into the captivity of its surrounding culture. As with the Jewish religion which centuries ago had been exiled in Babylon, any remaining vestiges of our culturalized Christianity are now...


Seeing Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews (eBook)

This is an expository study of the Letter to the Hebrews. However, it does not cover every verse in the letter, but rather, goes deeply into key verses, focusing on the goal of SEEING JESUS. (John 12:21) Here we see Jesus as the Word of God, the Unique Son, the...


Seeing the Kingdom Through the Cross (eBook)

To understand the kingdom of God, we must understand the mystery of Christ, who is the King of that kingdom. If we seek the kingdom of God and do not enter into the mystery of Christ, we have not entered into the kingdom, and will misrepresent the kingdom of heaven...


Seeking the Lord (eBook)

This teaching has to do with nurturing one’s personal relationship with Christ with a view to spiritual transformation (growth in Christ-likeness). Too often discipleship is understood to be attending a special “discipleship class”; and mere attendance is the only responsibility of the disciple. At best, this would make one a...


Spiritual Gifts: An Overview (eBook)

The purpose of this article is to present an overview of spiritual gifts which I have found useful in my life and ministry. It consists of three components: The categorization of the spiritual gifts into three groups: MOTIVATIONAL gifts MANIFESTATION gifts MINISTRY gifts One’s MOTIVATIONAL gift is the root of...


The Way of God & the Way of Humanity (eBook)

The Difference Between Theology & Politics:   The Kingdom of the Lord and His Christ & the kingdoms of this World What I have to offer in this essay is at variance with the current conventional “Evangelical” perspectives and political activities. (In fact, it equally flies in the face of...


To Know & Understand Him (eBook)

Both the Old and New Testaments instruct us to know and understand God: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he...


Transformation of Self (eBook)

The various schools of thought on Holiness are founded upon their understanding and interpretation of Romans 6:6. The colloquial speech used to discuss the commonly held concept of “Death to Self” or “Crucifixion of Self” does not hold up to biblical scrutiny or logic. It therefore does not suit the...


Treasures of Darkness (eBook)

There are places in the spiritual realm – dimensions in God, which are “dark” to us until He brings us into those depths and reveals more of Himself to us through experiences with Himself which gift us with “Treasures of Darkness”. However, God’s “treasures” – His values, priorities, and agenda...


Vineyard of the Lord, The (eBook)

Using the scriptural word picture of The Vineyard of the Lord, this article takes a look at the current condition of the Church. In response to this, it then takes another look at the commission of the Church, addressing various aspects of discipleship all in light of the New Covenant,...


Walking with Sorrow (eBook)

A Theology of Suffering Sorrow is inescapable. And the following questions found in the hearts and minds of all human beings are equally inescapable: Why is there suffering and sorrow? Why does God allow it? Why do “good” people suffer?  The Scriptures offer rational answers to these “inescapable questions”.  


Way of the Cross, The (eBook)

We can make a distinction between the “Work of the Cross” and the “Way of the Cross”: The “Work of the Cross” is Christ’s sacrificial work on the Cross as “the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the World”. The message of the “Work” of the Cross...


Weakness of God, The (eBook)

“The weakness of God” – this is, indeed, a captivating phrase penned by Paul the apostle in his letter to the Church. (1 Corinthians 1:25)  This “weakness” is God’s chosen “methodology” from “before the foundation of the world – in “the Lamb slain” (Revelation 13:8), in His choice of Israel...


Who Is This King of Glory?

The title of this message is a question found in Psalm 24: “Who is this King of Glory?” In Matthew’s gospel we find Jesus asking a question of His disciples: “Who do people say that I am?” And a little later in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is coming into the city...


You MUST be Born Again (eBook)

Today, most people – including many believers – do not understand what it means to be Born Again. There are denominations that avoid, and even ridicule, this spiritual reality, because some people have abused it. As someone has said: “The answer to abuse is not disuse.” – based on the...