eBooks which have been Prophetically-motivated

God-centered Life, The (eBook)

“God-Centeredness” is a quintessential issue. All Christians, as well as all churches and ministries come down on one side of the line or the other regarding Man-Centeredness or God-Centeredness. There is a very clear line of demarcation. Our perspective has implications for virtually every activity of both our personal and corporate lives as Christians. Our perspective also affects our understanding of God Himself, as well as His eternal plans and purposes. In order to address the issue of God-Centeredness, we need to

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Facing the Future (eBook)

The key words in the title give the subject matter. There is a fact which we all must FACE; and that is: the FUTURE is coming. Whether the prognosis is good or bad – whether we want it to come or not – the FUTURE is coming – we must FACE IT. What is in the FUTURE? Jesus already gave us the answer: TRIBULATION. The scriptures tell us that God has His purpose in TRIBULATION. The future will require FAITH.

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Heroic (eBook)

Introduction The Lord’s final word at the end of the Old Testament spoke of a “Period of Restoration” before the Day of the Lord in which there would be a “turning of the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers”. PART 1 discusses interpretation of prophetic scriptures, and specifically interpretations of “The Period of Restoration”. PART 2 discusses spiritual “children” and “fathers” throughout biblical history and the present generation. PART 3 contains

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Remnant Will Return, A (eBook)

“Christendom” is a counterfeit Christianity in the form of a Constantinian Civil Religion. It is a religion which has been taken into the captivity of its surrounding culture. As with the Jewish religion which centuries ago had been exiled in Babylon, any remaining vestiges of our culturalized Christianity are now being utterly shaken to bare bones. This can be very unsettling to all who identify as “Christian”. But it is also absolutely necessary for the counterfeit to fall, so that

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