Spiritual Growth and Formation

Wrestling for the Blessing (eBook)

Those who are “born of God” (John 1:13) have an identity in Christ which is not derived from race or nationality, nor from family or culture, nor our own ingenuity. This is a birthright which comes only when we receive Christ as the One Isaiah called our “Eternal Father” (Isaiah 9:6). For only a Father can give the right to be called a child. Only the Father’s blessing can be the blessing of a birthright. So, ultimately, everyone must wrestle

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Walking with Sorrow (eBook)

A Theology of Suffering Sorrow is inescapable. And the following questions found in the hearts and minds of all human beings are equally inescapable: Why is there suffering and sorrow? Why does God allow it? Why do “good” people suffer?  The Scriptures offer rational answers to these “inescapable questions”.  

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Treasures of Darkness (eBook)

There are places in the spiritual realm – dimensions in God, which are “dark” to us until He brings us into those depths and reveals more of Himself to us through experiences with Himself which gift us with “Treasures of Darkness”. However, God’s “treasures” – His values, priorities, and agenda for our lives are VERY DIFFERENT from ours, unless we “glory in knowing and understanding God” (Jeremiah 9:24). But if we “join ourselves to the Lord and become of one

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Weakness of God, The (eBook)

“The weakness of God” – this is, indeed, a captivating phrase penned by Paul the apostle in his letter to the Church. (1 Corinthians 1:25)  This “weakness” is God’s chosen “methodology” from “before the foundation of the world – in “the Lamb slain” (Revelation 13:8), in His choice of Israel and Gideon’s company, and ultimately in the cross of Christ. The Lord revealed to Paul that He dwells in our weakness. And, since the Church is the dwelling place of

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Transformation of Self (eBook)

The various schools of thought on Holiness are founded upon their understanding and interpretation of Romans 6:6. The colloquial speech used to discuss the commonly held concept of “Death to Self” or “Crucifixion of Self” does not hold up to biblical scrutiny or logic. It therefore does not suit the biblical process of sanctification. It is important to understand the process in order to better co-operate with the working of the Holy Spirit. While the concept of holiness is multi-facetted

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Way of the Cross, The (eBook)

We can make a distinction between the “Work of the Cross” and the “Way of the Cross”: The “Work of the Cross” is Christ’s sacrificial work on the Cross as “the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the World”. The message of the “Work” of the Cross is directed to the unconverted – the “old man” in Adam.  The “Way of the Cross” is Christ’s example which He gave to “anyone wants to become my follower, he

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Brokenness (eBook)

Introduction We human beings naturally perceive weakness and insecurity to be a “problem”. I believe that we can see from Scripture that, in Christ, weakness and insecurity can actually be a blessing. It is an opportunity to access the life and strength of Jesus Christ. When we offer Him our weakness and insecurity, allowing Him to touch and heal. But we will not merely be “restored” to what human beings normally perceive as being “well-adjusted” – God has something better

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