Coming to Faith in God (eBook)

For the believer, the subject of faith contains several aspects which could discussed at length. However, here I am examining the subject of faith and the non-believer. Unless one is purposely preparing for a debate, most people do not spend much time studying something contrary to what they currently believe. We only seek something different when we have become dissatisfied with our current belief system. So, quite likely, non-believers may not be motivated to take time to read a teaching on “Faith”, being sufficiently satisfied with not believing. However, a time may come that the non-believer may become dissatisfied in the non-belief – or the non-biblical belief system he has been holding. Only at that time might the non-believer be motivated to consider biblical “Faith”.

However, a believer may find himself engaged with a non-believer – that is, “giving an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess” (1 Peter 3:15) – and may benefit from what I’ve shared in this article, as it has been forged from my personal experience of discussing and explaining “faith” to a non-believer. And what I’ve shared here from the scriptures may, in “hindsight”, help believers more fully understand what took place in their lives when they “came to faith” in Christ


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Quo Vadis (eBook)

God is always moving forward in His kingdom plans and purposes. He never moves backward. And for those who love Him, He never stops moving in our lives for His glory. But to continue moving on with God “from glory to glory” requires our living “from faith to faith”. It takes an act of faith