Seeing the Kingdom Through the Cross (eBook)

To understand the kingdom of God, we must understand the mystery of Christ, who is the King of that kingdom. If we seek the kingdom of God and do not enter into the mystery of Christ, we have not entered into the kingdom, and will misrepresent the kingdom of heaven in the world. By and large, the Church in the Western nations has failed to see and enter the kingdom of God, and therefore is misrepresenting the King and His kingdom in the world.

So, it is essential to understand the mystery of Christ who is the King of the Kingdom. The quintessential aspect of the Christ of God is His Cross. He is, in fact, a Crucified King. To understand the Christ of God, we must understand the Cross of Christ. To see the Christ of God, we must see a “Crucified Christ”. (1 Corinthians 2:2) To truly see the kingdom of God, we must see it through the Cross of Christ. It is, in fact, the Kingdom of the Cross. What is needed to see the Crucified Christ and His Kingdom of the Cross? To offer an answer to that question is the goal of this message, Seeing the Kingdom Through the Cross.

Sorry, the recording volume was low. I’ll need to re-record this someday.

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Quo Vadis (eBook)

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