You MUST be Born Again (eBook)

Today, most people – including many believers – do not understand what it means to be Born Again. There are denominations that avoid, and even ridicule, this spiritual reality, because some people have abused it. As someone has said: “The answer to abuse is not disuse.” – based on the Latin phrase, “abusus non tollit usum” (abuse does not cancel use, in other words, misuse of something is no argument against its proper use).

It may be difficult to understand. It may be misunderstood. It may be abused. But we can’t avoid it – it’s a necessity. In fact, Jesus said: “You MUST be born again.” There is no sense of option or preference in His statement. He said, “Unless you are born again, you cannot see or enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3-6) It’s an absolute necessity.

The apostle Paul explains: “If any one does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ”. (Romans 8:9) Being born of the Spirit has all to do with having the Spirit of Christ. We cannot be biblical Christians without experiencing this spiritual reality.

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Quo Vadis ? (eBook)

God is always moving forward in His kingdom plans and purposes. He never moves backward. And for those who love Him, He never stops moving in our lives for His glory. But to continue moving on with God “from glory to glory” requires our living “from faith to faith”. It takes an act of faith