Defining “The Presence of the Lord” (Article)

When discussing any topic, it is wise to define the terms one is using so that authentic communication takes place, and a rational, and coherent discussion ensues. As I have previously stated in another article, “Worship. Prayer & Music”, biblically speaking, singing songs is not essentially “worship” – it is a form of prayer. And I defined “worship” as a lifestyle of surrender and service. In this present article, which is also an excerpt from “The Manifested Presence of God”, we will investigate how Scripture speaks of the concept of “presence”, as well as how the terms “manifested”, and “appearance”, and “glory” relate to that.


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Quo Vadis ? (eBook)

God is always moving forward in His kingdom plans and purposes. He never moves backward. And for those who love Him, He never stops moving in our lives for His glory. But to continue moving on with God “from glory to glory” requires our living “from faith to faith”. It takes an act of faith