eBooks which are Doctrinally-oriented

Walking with Sorrow (eBook)

A Theology of Suffering Sorrow is inescapable. And the following questions found in the hearts and minds of all human beings are equally inescapable: Why is there suffering and sorrow? Why does God allow it? Why do “good” people suffer?  The Scriptures offer rational answers to these “inescapable questions”.  

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Seeing Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews (eBook)

This is an expository study of the Letter to the Hebrews. However, it does not cover every verse in the letter, but rather, goes deeply into key verses, focusing on the goal of SEEING JESUS. (John 12:21) Here we see Jesus as the Word of God, the Unique Son, the Heir of All Things, the Radiance of God’s Glory, the “Better Thing”.  

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Reading the New Testament (eBook)

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to testify of Christ. With His inspiration of the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit’s intention was to reveal the glory of Christ. About a decade ago, the Holy Spirit asked me this question: “What is it that you think you see in the New Testament scriptures?” Does your perception of what you are reading contain any filters, preconceptions, presuppositions, or assumptions? These things can throw a veil over the glory of Christ and His

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Foundation Stones (eBook)

Joined to the Cornerstone Knowing & Experiencing Christ in, and by, and through Sound Doctrine Throughout the Old Testament, we see stones placed as memorials of experiential encounters with the Lord. In the New Covenant also there are foundational “stones”, as it were – foundational experiences of Christ. We need to be “devoted to the apostles teaching” which “lays the Foundation” of Christ. There are foundational doctrines upon which we should build our spiritual house, so we need to “take heed

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Deconstruction, Deconversion, & Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (eBook)

What is Postmodernism? What is Deconstruction? How do these relate to biblical faith? Can they result in the “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” – “the sin that leads to death”? In 1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Paul explained that one must have the Holy Spirit in order to receive and understand the things God freely gives and reveals by the Spirit. So, those without the Holy Spirit can neither receive nor understand the things of God. The question naturally arises: Those who

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Power of His Resurrection, The (eBook)

The apostle, Paul, wrote of “the power of His resurrection”. (Philippians 3:10) What is the “power” of His resurrection? And what is the unique power of “His” resurrection? In this message we will investigate the resurrection of Christ, and more purposefully, the nature of its “power”.

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Spiritual Gifts: An Overview (eBook)

The purpose of this article is to present an overview of spiritual gifts which I have found useful in my life and ministry. It consists of three components: The categorization of the spiritual gifts into three groups: MOTIVATIONAL gifts MANIFESTATION gifts MINISTRY gifts One’s MOTIVATIONAL gift is the root of one’s MANIFESTATION and MINISTRY gifts. There is a MOTIVATIONAL, MANIFESTATION, MINISTRY CONNECTION.    

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To Know & Understand Him (eBook)

Both the Old and New Testaments instruct us to know and understand God: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me….” Jeremiah 9:23-24a “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” John 17:3 In the

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Transformation of Self (eBook)

The various schools of thought on Holiness are founded upon their understanding and interpretation of Romans 6:6. The colloquial speech used to discuss the commonly held concept of “Death to Self” or “Crucifixion of Self” does not hold up to biblical scrutiny or logic. It therefore does not suit the biblical process of sanctification. It is important to understand the process in order to better co-operate with the working of the Holy Spirit. While the concept of holiness is multi-facetted

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Israel of God, The (eBook)

In order to have reasonable communication and a constructive, beneficial discussion on a matter, we need to define the terms which are being employed in the discussion. So, if we are to discuss Paul’s perspectives on “The Israel of God”, we need to be clear on Paul’s definitions of the terms which he employs. The purpose of this teaching is to hopefully arrive at the definitions of certain terms which are all found in Paul’s epistles – namely, “The Israel

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