The apostle, Peter, spoke of “times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord”. (Acts 2:19-21) Taken in context, Peter is saying that before Christ returns at the end of this present age, there will be “times of refreshing”, and that these times would “come from the presence of the Lord”. What we call “revivals”, or “outpourings of the Spirit”, are in fact God-appointed “times of visitation” of the manifested presence of God. Thus, God manifests His presence throughout church history according to His plans and purposes for this age, and when His people are in need of “refreshing” – recovery, reviving.
Moses asked God for His presence to go with His people so that they may find favor in His sight and “may be distinguished from all the other people who are on the face of the earth?” (Exodus 33:15-16) As the people of God, we need to embrace sound doctrine regarding The Manifested Presence of God, as well as spiritually authentic experiences of The Manifested Presence of God in light of the New Covenant. Jesus said, “Behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:20) Therefore the Church (Ekklesia) cannot afford to ignore the realities of the presence of God, if we are to be a witness to the King and His Kingdom.