Mysteries of God, The (eBook)

~ The Incarnation & Atonement ~

His Kingdom & Righteousness ~

The Kingdom of God is a mystery. Many have misunderstood this mystery and consequently have also misrepresented the Kingdom of God in the earth. If we do not understand the mystery of the Incarnation, we will not understand the mystery of the Atonement. And, if we do not understand the mystery of the Atonement, we will not understand the mystery of His Righteousness. And so, if we do not understand the mystery of His Righteousness, we will misunderstand and misrepresent the Kingdom of God in the earth.

The Incarnation, by God’s design leads to The Atonement, which in turn has implications regarding His Righteousness and His Kingdom. Each of these mysteries warrants its own exposition. But at the center of this “equation” is the Atonement. As I mined the treasury of Scripture in the writing of this article, it seemed that the main vein I found myself excavating was that of the Atonement. So, I thought it would be good to include as an Addendum the development of the theories of the Atonement throughout church history.


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Quo Vadis ? (eBook)

God is always moving forward in His kingdom plans and purposes. He never moves backward. And for those who love Him, He never stops moving in our lives for His glory. But to continue moving on with God “from glory to glory” requires our living “from faith to faith”. It takes an act of faith