The Way of God & the Way of Humanity (eBook)

The Difference Between Theology & Politics:   The Kingdom of the Lord and His Christ & the kingdoms of this World What I have to offer in this essay is at variance with the current conventional “Evangelical” perspectives and political activities. (In fact, it equally flies in the face of the disposition of most “Progressive … Read more

IN the World, But Not OF the World (eBook)

A Personal Investigation into the Morality of Voting “IN”, but “not OF”. These are the two contexts in which a disciple of Christ lives – IN the world; but not OF the world. (John 17:13-19) For more than two thousand years the Church has struggled to understand what this actually means; and has also struggled … Read more

How Does God Govern Fallen Humanity? (eBook)

What political philosophy and what form of government may be best suited for the governance of ALL humanity – fallen and redeemed? More specifically: Is there a political philosophy which is most suited to the biblical worldview? Is there a particular form of government which inherently contains the elements of freedom of conscience and choice … Read more