How Does God Govern Fallen Humanity? (eBook)

What political philosophy and what form of government may be best suited for the governance of ALL humanity – fallen and redeemed? More specifically: Is there a political philosophy which is most suited to the biblical worldview? Is there a particular form of government which inherently contains the elements of freedom of conscience and choice … Read more

Evil, Some Thoughts On (Audio Message)

The subject matter of this message concerns the influence of the Holy Spirit on the human soul during the conversion-regeneration process. By this term, “conversion-regeneration process”, I mean specifically the process of coming to “repentance” and “faith” in Christ, which would be followed by baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. The process … Read more

Evil, Some Thoughts On (eBook)

Why is there evil?  Does God cause evil? Does He allow evil? Why would God allow evil? What is evil? I have found that the unveiling of truths contained in Scripture regarding evil and the spiritual forces of evil, have actually served to increase my personal perception of God and His spiritual domain. It has … Read more

Coming to Faith in God (Article)

Preface For the believer, the subject of faith contains several aspects which could discussed at length. However, here I am examining the subject of faith and the non-believer. Unless one is purposely preparing for a debate, most people do not spend much time studying something contrary to what they currently believe. We only seek something … Read more