Weakness of God, The (Audio Message)

“The weakness of God” – this is, indeed, a captivating phrase penned by Paul the apostle in his letter to the Church. (1 Corinthians 1:25)  This “weakness” is God’s chosen “methodology” from “before the foundation of the world – in “the Lamb slain” (Revelation 13:8), in His choice of Israel and Gideon’s company, and ultimately … Read more

Glory of God, Some Thoughts on (eBook)

Sometimes, we have extraordinary experiences of that which is true, good, and beautiful. At these times, God is letting His glory issue from Himself through an out-raying of His attributes. The response of the human spirit to this manifestation of the glory of God is often tears.

A Call for God-centered Art (eBook)

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Magnus Gautestad and his guest William David Furioso from At Christ’s Table delve into the intersection of beauty, faith, and music, emphasizing the importance of creating music that reflects the attributes of God and His redemptive love. They discuss the concept of a “new song” for worship as well as … Read more

God-centered Life, The (eBook)

“God-Centeredness” is a quintessential issue. All Christians, as well as all churches and ministries come down on one side of the line or the other regarding Man-Centeredness or God-Centeredness. There is a very clear line of demarcation. Our perspective has implications for virtually every activity of both our personal and corporate lives as Christians. Our perspective … Read more

Captivating Phrase, A (Article)

“… the weakness of God is stronger than mankind”. 1 Corinthians 1:25b This is, indeed, a captivating phrase penned by Paul – “the weakness of God”. The Greek word translated “weakness” is : asthenes[1], meaning “without strength”. There is a wonderful mystery in the many passages in which Paul speaks of “weakness”: It is OUR … Read more