Bride of Christ, The (eBook)

Paul the apostle explained that what he had written to the Ephesians about husbands and wives spiritually applied to Christ and the Church.  Paul was comparing the marriage relationship to the relationship between Christ and the Church – the husband being Christ, and the Church being the wife. Starting with this passage in Ephesians, and … Read more

Church (Ekklesia) in the Wilderness (Article)

More and more of those who are searching for “the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3) with regards to corporate fellowship are finding themselves in a wilderness (Acts 7:38). They are actually being “led by the Spirit into the wilderness”. (Matthew 4:1) For God always begins “a new thing” with His people in … Read more

Church, Culture, and the Ekklesia (eBook)

In His prayer to the Father in John 17, Jesus said that both He and His people (the Ekklesia) are in the world, but not of the world.  Throughout church history, it has been, and still is, very difficult for the Church to understand this paradox, and has been even more difficult for the Church … Read more

Christ Is All (Article)

“I will give You as a covenant.” Isaiah 42:6 The covenant Isaiah refers to is what we know as the “New Covenant”. God’s New Covenant – by which He made the Old Covenant obsolete (Hebrews 8:13), does not consist in the letters of written words, but is embodied in a Person – Jesus Christ, the Living … Read more

Kingdom Households (eBook)

A Governing Principle: Bearing One Another’s Burdens & The Law of Christ In this article I point out that using the Hebrew nation as a prototype, God established the concept of tribes – extended family households – as a model for His kingdom people. I am calling this model “Kingdom Households”, and proposing that this … Read more

Realm of Christ, The (Article)

19“In accordance with the working of the strength of His might 20 … He (Father God) brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, … Read more

Breaking of Bread (Article)

Preface In this teaching, “Breaking of Bread”, I attempt to elucidate what the term means and what it is referring to by discussing its Hebrew origins and its connection with the Old Covenant Meal – The Passover Meal, as well as its Christian usage and its connections with The New Covenant Meal – The Lord’s … Read more

A Call for God-centered Art (eBook)

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Magnus Gautestad and his guest William David Furioso from At Christ’s Table delve into the intersection of beauty, faith, and music, emphasizing the importance of creating music that reflects the attributes of God and His redemptive love. They discuss the concept of a “new song” for worship as well as … Read more

Vineyard of The Lord, The (Audio Message)

Introduction Using the scriptural word picture of The Vineyard of the Lord, this article takes a look at the current condition of the Church. In response to this, it then takes another look at the commission of the Church, addressing various aspects of discipleship all in light of the New Covenant, with a particular focus … Read more

Facing the Future (Audio Message)

The keys words in the title give the subject matter. There is a fact which we all must FACE; and that is: the FUTURE is coming. Whether the prognosis is good or bad – whether we want it to come or not – the FUTURE is coming – we must FACE IT. What is in … Read more