Logos, Life, & Light,The (Article)

I have been surveying the New Testament scriptures for passages which communicate that God’s intention in the New Covenant is that “the Spirit gives life” in all of our life, rather than in sacralized (set-apart) special religious activities. New Covenant Worship in Spirit and Truth is concerned with the whole of life – not in … Read more

Spiritual Life & Growth (eBook)

Biblical teaching on the normal Christian birth into spiritual life and the normal Christian life of ongoing spiritual growth – a resource for discipleship.  

You MUST Be Born Again (Article)

John 3:1-11[1]  1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” 3Jesus … Read more

Coming to Faith in God (Article)

Preface For the believer, the subject of faith contains several aspects which could discussed at length. However, here I am examining the subject of faith and the non-believer. Unless one is purposely preparing for a debate, most people do not spend much time studying something contrary to what they currently believe. We only seek something … Read more

You MUST be Born Again (eBook)

Today, most people – including many believers – do not understand what it means to be Born Again. There are denominations that avoid, and even ridicule, this spiritual reality, because some people have abused it. As someone has said: “The answer to abuse is not disuse.” – based on the Latin phrase, “abusus non tollit … Read more

Biblical Experience of Regeneration, A (Article)

Regeneration as a spiritual experience is represented in a multifaceted way in the Scriptures.  It means “believing in” and “receiving” Christ and “becoming a child of God”.[1]  It means being “saved by grace”.[2]  It means “passing out of death into life”[3], that is, “having eternal life and not coming into the judgment” (of the sentence … Read more