Called & Changed by Christ (eBook)

A Study of Conversion in the Lives of Peter & Paul This book is a study of Conversion. The teaching addresses what it means to be “called” – the nature of the call, who are called, answering the call – as well as a look at the life-changing experiences with Jesus Christ in the lives … Read more

Treasures of Darkness (eBook)

There are places in the spiritual realm – dimensions in God, which are “dark” to us until He brings us into those depths and reveals more of Himself to us through experiences with Himself which gift us with “Treasures of Darkness”. However, God’s “treasures” – His values, priorities, and agenda for our lives are VERY … Read more

Deconstruction, Deconversion, & Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (eBook)

What is Postmodernism? What is Deconstruction? How do these relate to biblical faith? Can they result in the “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” – “the sin that leads to death”? In 1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Paul explained that one must have the Holy Spirit in order to receive and understand the things God freely gives and … Read more

To Know & Understand Him (eBook)

Both the Old and New Testaments instruct us to know and understand God: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me….” Jeremiah … Read more