Called & Changed by Christ (eBook)

A Study of Conversion in the Lives of Peter & Paul This book is a study of Conversion. The teaching addresses what it means to be “called” – the nature of the call, who are called, answering the call – as well as a look at the life-changing experiences with Jesus Christ in the lives … Read more

Seeking the Lord (eBook)

This teaching has to do with nurturing one’s personal relationship with Christ with a view to spiritual transformation (growth in Christ-likeness). Too often discipleship is understood to be attending a special “discipleship class”; and mere attendance is the only responsibility of the disciple. At best, this would make one a disciple of a teacher, and … Read more

Christ is Prerequisite for Church (eBook)

with a Group Discussion Guide & additional Resources for Organic Church Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church. We cannot discern the Body until we first discern the Head. We cannot understand the mystery of the Church until we understand the mystery of Christ. Jesus is building His Church through revelation of Himself. … Read more

Kingdom Households (eBook)

A Governing Principle: Bearing One Another’s Burdens & The Law of Christ In this article I point out that using the Hebrew nation as a prototype, God established the concept of tribes – extended family households – as a model for His kingdom people. I am calling this model “Kingdom Households”, and proposing that this … Read more

Spiritual Life & Growth (eBook)

Biblical teaching on the normal Christian birth into spiritual life and the normal Christian life of ongoing spiritual growth – a resource for discipleship.  

Christ-centered Discipleship & Equipping Ministries (Audio Message)

Before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples….” Since it takes the authority of Christ to make a disciple of Christ, authentic Equipping Ministries will, by nature of the case, share the life of Christ – that is, they are Christ-centered, … Read more

Christ-centered Discipleship & Equipping Ministries (eBook)

Before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples….” Since it takes the authority of Christ to make a disciple of Christ, authentic Equipping Ministries will, by nature of the case, share the life of Christ – that is, they are Christ-centered, … Read more

Quo Vadis (eBook)

God is always moving forward in His kingdom plans and purposes. He never moves backward. And for those who love Him, He never stops moving in our lives for His glory. But to continue moving on with God “from glory to glory” requires our living “from faith to faith”. It takes an act of faith … Read more

From Children to a Mature Man (Article)

This is a brief essay on a passage in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. My “bottom line” flies in the face of a current tendency in much of the professing Church in western nations, including most of the so called “Ekklesia” movements. That tendency is to shun the reality and necessity of authentic spiritual leadership.[1] … Read more