Treasures of Darkness (eBook)

There are places in the spiritual realm – dimensions in God, which are “dark” to us until He brings us into those depths and reveals more of Himself to us through experiences with Himself which gift us with “Treasures of Darkness”. However, God’s “treasures” – His values, priorities, and agenda for our lives are VERY … Read more

On Prescribing Relationship with God (Article)

Concerning pre-conceived or popular notions and prescriptions regarding how one carries on relationship with God… For example: The following people wrote their prayers to God: David (73 different Psalms) Moses (Psalm # 90) Solomon (2 Psalms, # 72 & 127) The family of Asaph (12 Psalms, # 50, 73-83) The family of Korah (10 Psalms, … Read more

Transformation of Self (eBook)

The various schools of thought on Holiness are founded upon their understanding and interpretation of Romans 6:6. The colloquial speech used to discuss the commonly held concept of “Death to Self” or “Crucifixion of Self” does not hold up to biblical scrutiny or logic. It therefore does not suit the biblical process of sanctification. It … Read more

Apostles’ Teaching, The (Article)

“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.” Acts 2:42 This verse tells us that following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the Christ Followers of the primitive church “continually devoted” themselves to “the apostles’ teaching and fellowship”, as well as to the … Read more

From Children to a Mature Man (Article)

This is a brief essay on a passage in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. My “bottom line” flies in the face of a current tendency in much of the professing Church in western nations, including most of the so called “Ekklesia” movements. That tendency is to shun the reality and necessity of authentic spiritual leadership.[1] … Read more

Vineyard of the Lord, The (eBook)

Using the scriptural word picture of The Vineyard of the Lord, this article takes a look at the current condition of the Church. In response to this, it then takes another look at the commission of the Church, addressing various aspects of discipleship all in light of the New Covenant, with a particular focus on … Read more

Small but Wise Ants (Articles)

A foundational Scripture passage – Proverbs 30:24-28 “Four things are small on the earth, but they are exceedingly wise: The ants are not a strong people, but they prepare their food in the summer; The rock hyraxes are not mighty people, yet they make their houses in the rocks; The locusts have no king, yet … Read more

Way of the Cross, The (eBook)

We can make a distinction between the “Work of the Cross” and the “Way of the Cross”: The “Work of the Cross” is Christ’s sacrificial work on the Cross as “the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the World”. The message of the “Work” of the Cross is directed to the unconverted … Read more