Eating & Drinking of Jesus (eBook)

This message is about eating and drinking – eating and drinking with Adam and Eve, eating and drinking with Moses, as well as eating and drinking with Jesus, and His Disciples – giving insights into the meaning of Jesus’ cryptic saying, “Eat of My body, and drink of My blood”.    

Christ Our Life & Pattern (Article)

To discern the mystery of Christ fully, we must have revelation of Him as the New Covenant Pattern, because the New Covenant is all about the life of Christ in us. This is the subject matter of this article.

Eternal Gospel & Eternal Covenant, The (Article)

“I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations.”[1] Isaiah 42:6 In the midst of this Messianic prophecy in Isaiah,[2] we see disclosed the fact that the Father has given … Read more