Presence of God In Light of the New Covenant, The (Article)

 In New Covenant worship, we are raised up (in Christ) into the spiritual realm – “the heavenly places” – “in the spirit” – in order to experience the Manifested Presence of God and the Shekinah Glory. Because this is spiritual and not physical, does not mean it is not real. In our study of Scripture, … Read more

Breaking Bread (eBook)

In this teaching, “Breaking Bread”, I attempt to elucidate what the term means and what it is referring to by discussing its Hebrew origins and its connection with the Old Covenant Meal – The Passover Meal, as well as its Christian usage and its connections with The New Covenant Meal – The Lord’s Supper. Both … Read more

His Kingdom & His Righteousness (eBook)

“The Book of the Law”, found in the Book of Joshua, is an Old Testament type and shadow which relates to the New Testament passage in the Gospels – the “Sermon on the Mount”, and the New Covenant “Law of Christ” – regarding the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

Reading the New Testament (eBook)

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to testify of Christ. With His inspiration of the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit’s intention was to reveal the glory of Christ. About a decade ago, the Holy Spirit asked me this question: “What is it that you think you see in the New Testament scriptures?” Does your perception … Read more

Eating & Drinking of Jesus (eBook)

This message is about eating and drinking – eating and drinking with Adam and Eve, eating and drinking with Moses, as well as eating and drinking with Jesus, and His Disciples – giving insights into the meaning of Jesus’ cryptic saying, “Eat of My body, and drink of My blood”.    

Fellowship of the Spirit, The (Audio Message)

The Holy Spirit is the only One who gives the life of Christ which sustains His Body. (John 6:63; 2 Corinthians 3:6) Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would “take of what is Mine and declare it to you”. (John 16:13-15) “The fellowship of the Holy Spirit” is people participating in what the Holy … Read more

The Fellowship of the Spirit (Article)

The Holy Spirit is the only One who gives the life of Christ which sustains His Body. (John 6:62; 2 Corinthians 3:6) Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would “take of what is Mine and declare it to you”. (John 16:13-15) “The fellowship of the Holy Spirit” is people participating in what the Holy … Read more

Headship, Leadership & the Body (eBook)

Another Look at Consensus in the Church In certain movements within the Church, it is currently in vogue to criticize church leaders for usurping the Headship of Christ. I agree that, generally speaking, this is a valid criticism. But the more accurate statement would be that human beings, church leaders and people alike, are very … Read more

Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, The (Article)

In this article, I attempt to briefly establish a Christ-centered New Covenant perspective of the Law of Christ. I believe a particular verse in one of Isaiah’s messianic prophecies is foundational to an understanding of the Law of Christ in the New Covenant context: “I give YOU as a covenant to the people, as a Light to … Read more

Christ Our Life & Pattern (Article)

To discern the mystery of Christ fully, we must have revelation of Him as the New Covenant Pattern, because the New Covenant is all about the life of Christ in us. This is the subject matter of this article.