Christ Our Life & Pattern (Article)
To discern the mystery of Christ fully, we must have revelation of Him as the New Covenant Pattern, because the New Covenant is all about the life of Christ in us. This is the subject matter of this article.
To discern the mystery of Christ fully, we must have revelation of Him as the New Covenant Pattern, because the New Covenant is all about the life of Christ in us. This is the subject matter of this article.
with a Group Discussion Guide & additional Resources for Organic Church Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church. We cannot discern the Body until we first discern the Head. We cannot understand the mystery of the Church until we understand the mystery of Christ. Jesus is building His Church through revelation of Himself. … Read more
To understand the kingdom of God, we must understand the mystery of Christ, who is the King of that kingdom. If we seek the kingdom of God and do not enter into the mystery of Christ, we have not entered into the kingdom, and will misrepresent the kingdom of heaven in the world. By and … Read more
The purpose of this teaching is to present the essential meanings of Baptism, and specifically the quintessential meaning of Baptism in light of the New Covenant. We will very briefly survey the progression of the concept of Baptism in the Hebrew Bible, the Gospels, and the Epistles – again with a view to the quintessential … Read more