Fellowship with the Spirit (eBook)

In other articles, I have written at length about what could be called “THE REVELATION – RELATIONSHIP – REFLECTION CONTINUUM”. The concept is that the life of one who “has received the Spirit of Christ and therefore belongs to Christ” (Romans 8:9-10) can be viewed as the pursuit of Revelation of Christ, which grows into … Read more

Seeing Christ (eBook)

Christ-centered Typology for Revelation of Christ, Relationship with Christ, and Reflection of Christ “Typology” – a term given to a method of interpreting the Old Testament scriptures in light of the New Covenant, was used by the apostolic writers of the New Testament. This approach to understanding the Old Testament is based on the principle … Read more

Eating & Drinking of Jesus (eBook)

This message is about eating and drinking – eating and drinking with Adam and Eve, eating and drinking with Moses, as well as eating and drinking with Jesus, and His Disciples – giving insights into the meaning of Jesus’ cryptic saying, “Eat of My body, and drink of My blood”.    

Apostles’ Teaching, The (Article)

“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.” Acts 2:42 This verse tells us that following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the Christ Followers of the primitive church “continually devoted” themselves to “the apostles’ teaching and fellowship”, as well as to the … Read more