Foundation of the Apostles & Prophets, The (eBook)

In this article, I am focusing on the adjectives, “apostolic” and “prophetic”, rather than the nouns, “apostle” and “prophet”. My goal is a more Christ-centered perspective and understanding of the phrase, “the foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 2:20-22), as well as, what it means to “lay” that Foundation. (1 Corinthians 3:10-11)

Christ is Prerequisite for Church (eBook)

with a Group Discussion Guide & additional Resources for Organic Church Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church. We cannot discern the Body until we first discern the Head. We cannot understand the mystery of the Church until we understand the mystery of Christ. Jesus is building His Church through revelation of Himself. … Read more

Christ is Prerequisite for Church (Audio Message)

Introduction   Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church. We cannot discern the Body until we first discern the Head. We cannot understand the mystery of the Church until we understand the mystery of Christ. Jesus is building His Church through revelation of Himself. As we pursue the revelation of Christ, He builds … Read more