Headship, Leadership & the Body (eBook)

Another Look at Consensus in the Church In certain movements within the Church, it is currently in vogue to criticize church leaders for usurping the Headship of Christ. I agree that, generally speaking, this is a valid criticism. But the more accurate statement would be that human beings, church leaders and people alike, are very … Read more

From Children to a Mature Man (Article)

This is a brief essay on a passage in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. My “bottom line” flies in the face of a current tendency in much of the professing Church in western nations, including most of the so called “Ekklesia” movements. That tendency is to shun the reality and necessity of authentic spiritual leadership.[1] … Read more

Headship, Leadership & The Body (Audio Message)

Another Look at Consensus in the Church It is currently in vogue in certain movements in the Western Church to criticize church leaders for usurping the Headship of Christ in the Church. I agree that, generally speaking, this is a valid criticism. But, I but would like to also point out that people in general … Read more